Are you tired of missing out on great hires? It’s possible you’re not asking the right questions. To recruit the best job candidates on the market, try employing a new technique. Job Store Staffing® is here to tell you about STAR Behavioral Interview Questions and how they can help you land the right employees.
What are Behavioral Interview Questions?
As you conduct a job interview, you want to get the best read on a potential hire. That’s why it’s essential to use a behavioral interviewing strategy where you focus on previous events instead of abstract ideas. High-quality job candidates have valuable work experience they can draw from to prove to you that they can pull their weight when they join your team. Hypothetical questions to candidates don’t typically elicit the best response. Using behavioral interviewing instead can show you how they’d react to a situation in the future by thinking about their existing experience, and it also shows how transferable their skills are to a new role.
Why STAR Questions?
STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Results. Therefore, when you frame a question in the STAR format, you’ll want it to present a realistic scenario and find out what the task is that needs to be accomplished. Then, you’ll lead an interviewee to answer with an action they would take and what the intended result would be. You can pose your STAR question as a reflection about previous work experiences they’ve encountered. This will allow you to get to know your applicant deeply and learn more about their personality and ability so you don’t get stuck with the wrong hire.
Find Better Candidates With Job Store!
To tap into the best pool of talent, you need to interview smarter and think critically about your candidates before you make a hiring mistake. That’s why so many companies have moved to a temporary staffing firm to take over the hassle of new hires. Recruiting can be an uphill battle, and we can help! Job Store Staffing® is a top temporary staffing firm in Colorado that specializes in finding the right fit for your job openings. Contact us today to learn more about effective interviewing and gaining access to the best potential hires.