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What Employers Do and Don't Want to See on Your Facebook Page

The wonders of the internet: connecting with old friends, celebrating important milestones and more. Websites like Facebook allow us to network like never before. If you’re looking to find a new job, prepare for potential employers to check your social media profiles. A quick search of your name might expose more information than you think. Here are the do’s and don’ts of what your Facebook page should look like to employers.

Do: Show Your Personality

Don’t be afraid to use your social media profile to sell yourself. Although we advise against party pictures and strong opinionated posts, employers like to know more about you. Almost every employer hires to find a good fit for their team and their organization. Don’t hide everything about yourself when job searching – it looks suspicious. Instead, play up your interests and make it clear to potential employers you will be an interesting and valuable member of the team.

Do: Use Profiles to Attract Employers

Twitter isn’t just about memes and videos. You can build a very real presence for yourself on any social media platform. Think about what you’re seeking professionally, and create a public persona that will manifest that. Your bio or “about me” line should speak to your skills. You also want to stay active on sites like LinkedIn. You can view relevant articles about your professional industry and make networking connections that will provide a hiring advantage.

Don’t: Be Passive

Assuming you’ll get recruited is one of the biggest mistakes a job searcher can make. At any level of experience, you can’t presume the jobs will come to you. When you’re ready to move into a new role, use your social media profiles to advertise your search. Utilize Facebook Messenger to contact potential employers or networking connections. Also, employers don’t want to hire passive candidates. If your social media indicates you aren’t serious about your job search, you won’t get hired. Write a post about your skills and ambitions, and ask your network to refer you to any potential opportunities.
To learn more about job search best practices, team up with a top job agency like Job Store Staffing®. We provide insider insight on how you can take your search to the next level. Check out our website today to find the right position in your industry, fast.



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