Finances: Where to Start & How to Get Ahead

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If you are living paycheck to paycheck, know that you are not alone. Understanding how and where to start planning for your financial future can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to start making a difference today.

Implement these proven tips to evaluate and get ahead with your finances.

Alter Your Mindset

To begin the process, you need to change your attitude about money. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you likely have negative feelings about your finances. This contributes to the belief that you never will have enough. However, things will not change if you continue to hold on to this type of thought. Instead, alter your frame of mind to think more positively about your finances. This includes believing that saving, paying off your debt, and investing for the future are possible. For instance, when you unexpectedly receive money, express gratitude for it. Say out loud how thankful you are and how it will benefit you. Use this as a starting point to write down money affirmations that inspire you to maintain a positive mindset. The longer you focus and work on receiving what you want, the more likely you are to obtain it.

Understand Your Financial Position

Know exactly where you stand financially. You need to be aware of where your issues are and where you want to be so you can make a plan to get there. Start by dividing a piece of paper into Column A and Column B. Next, write down your monthly income in Column A and monthly expenses in Column B. Include payments for your mortgage or rent, car loan, utilities, food, school loan, credit card, childcare, and other recurring bills. Then, total up your expenses to see if they are more than your income. Odds are, this is the case.

Create a Spending Tracker

You must find out where your money is going in order to make improvements. For the next 30 days, write down everything you buy. This will give you an idea of your current cash and credit balance, the items you spend the most on, and the subscriptions you do not use but still spend money on. It also will uncover impulse purchases, other ways you are losing money, and which spending patterns you need to address.

Decrease Your Spending

Immediately cutting back on your spending will make a difference. For instance, decrease the number of meals you have at restaurants. Also, limit your subscription streaming services to one or two. Put the money you save into an account designated only for emergencies. This way, if you have unexpected expenses like car repairs, you should not be adding to your debt.

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