A strict schedule is essential to managing effectively. But what happens when your calendar fills up, block by block, until there’s simply not much left? It’s all about how you organize your time and prioritize your tasks. To make it through each day feeling confident in your team and your own abilities, we present Job Store Staffing®’s top five tips to manage your time:
1. Write It Down
First mistake – assuming you’ll remember everything. So many managers love to “make a mental note,” but this is exactly how things get sidelined. Become very dedicated to keeping a record of meetings, discussions, and general things going on. Whether you’re a paper person or tech-savvy, cultivate a system to track everything you need to access as a leader.
2. Communicate
Talk to your team! Strategize a communication plan and method. Determine what each individual’s role is, who they report to and coordinate with, and establish how they should provide progress updates and relay information. Go old-school with sticky notes on a corkboard, or embrace quick chat tools like Slack or Skype for Business.
3. Delegate
Empower your staff by assigning them manageable tasks. Part of being an effective manager includes showing your team they can succeed without your direct oversight. It takes work off your plate and instills confidence and leadership in your employees. Start small and check-in frequently for best results.
4. Plan Your Down Time
Taking breaks is essential when you run a tight ship. A breakneck work pace with zero time to rest fosters negativity and sets a bad example for your crew. Whether you like to take ten minutes for an outdoor walk or you’d rather decompress with a book, see if you can incorporate your staff members. Invite a friend to unwind. Taking time to relax while building rapport serves as double duty.
5. Prioritize
Being a manager is all about putting out fires. But that often leaves your to-do list… undone. Find a balance between addressing each task the moment it pops up, and loyally sticking to a very long task list. Critically think about your responsibilities, even framing it day-by-day: what needs to happen before I leave work today? This perspective can help you re-frame and strategize to your best ability.
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Looking for more ways to develop your leadership abilities? We’ve got plenty of insight at Job Store Staffing®, so check it out today!