How to Be More Confident in Your Job Interview


Embrace your power as a candidate! Many job seekers defer to the interviewer, but it’s up to you to prove you belong. In order to harness your abilities and prove you are an ideal hire, you’ll need to exude some serious confidence. Here’s how you can show your courage and persuasiveness in a professional interview.

Positive Self-Talk

To first exude confidence, you’ll want to embrace your inner power. Find a routine that works for you, whether that means pump up jams while you dress in your professional attire or motivational podcasts during your commute to the interview. Anything that makes you feel secure and energized can definitely help you convey confidence to a hiring manager. You also need to be kind to yourself. Try positive affirmations and talking yourself up, especially if you struggle with promoting yourself when meeting with recruiters.

Plan and Rehearse Responses

To ensure you’ve got the right approach, you have to be prepared. Research commonly asked interview questions, particularly in your industry. Practice your answers, rehearse your approach, and even practice with friends and family. You don’t want to sound too stiff, but knowing your stuff is what will set you apart from other candidates.

Nerves are Normal

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable – some anxiety is okay. A relaxed interviewee can send red flags to a hiring manager. Don’t let your anxiety overpower your ability to succeed in an interview setting. But it’s also okay to be a little nervous! If you want into your interview, embrace the awkwardness that may occur by cracking a quick joke. Chances are, it’ll lighten the mood and help you transition into a great meeting.

Find Your Next Job with Job Store!

To learn more about best practices for your next job interview, contact Job Store Staffing®. We can help you identify strengths and weaknesses with your resume and skills and keep you in the loop on everything happening in your industry. Contact us today to learn more!


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