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Strategies for Keeping Employees Engaged

At your staff meeting, you notice workers checking their watch. At their desks, you see them staring at their phones. When you ask for ideas, you receive a lackluster response. These are the classic signs of a disengaged workforce. Without motivated staff members, you’ll face a number of avoidable challenges. Here are three strategies on how you can boost and maintain employee engagement.

Avoid Overload

Too much information can be overwhelming even for the most focused professionals. If you’ve compiled ten talking points into one email, employees will have trouble determining priorities. Additionally, if you cover too much in a meeting, ideas can get lost and tangents can distract you from the action items you need to accomplish. Always keep your team in the loop, but limit overloading them with information.

Special Teams

One way to inspire your team is to create a special task force for a project. If you’re noticing an overall lack of engagement, hand-pick a few workers that you can delegate responsibilities too. Increased work keeps employees busy, but it can also instill a very necessary sense of purpose and belonging that helps for morale and professional longevity.

Write it Down

Leave no room for miscommunication. Unfocused workers can lose track of what needs to be accomplished, and within what timeframe. When an assignment needs to be completed, be straightforward with your staff member. Describe the parameters of the task, give it context so they understand their motivation, and assign a deadline. All of this should either go in notes or an email so they can refer back to the exact description and you have a record of what you’ve requested. It’s that simple!

For more simple tricks on how you can keep your workers productive and motivated, check out Job Store Staffing® today!



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