Whether you’re unemployed or seeking a new endeavor, smart professionals will tell you the best way to find a new job is to utilize your network. But what does this mean? Networking comes down to more than just asking a friend if their company has any openings. There are dozens of ways to effectively network your way into the right position for you. But the best method depends on your strategy and your industry. Reaching out to colleagues and peers is one of the best ways to explore your options, but networking doesn’t stop there. You may have more connections than you think.
Social Networking
Use Facebook to keep your professional relationships strong. Keep in touch with your old bosses and former co-workers by connecting with them as Facebook friends. A great way to consistently stay on the minds of your network is to engage. When friends post, give them a like and add an insightful comment. You should also share industry-relevant content in an effort to spark a professional discussion. If you’re seeking construction work, post an article about the latest trends in construction technology to strike up a conversation. Note that Facebook can be used as a helpful professional resource, provided it is free of pictures of you in your keg-stand days. Keep it clean and neutral, free of controversial images or strong political content.
Embrace the era of modern technology by using more attention-grabbing networking methods, like Twitter. Follow your dream companies to work for, and retweet their content to establish a relationship. If you’re openly seeking new employment, challenge yourself, to sum up your experience and goals in 140 characters or less. For example: “Ready to explore my options! Seeking a Quality Engineering position in CO, 12 years of industry experience. Send a DM if you can connect me.” Something short and sweet will help your followers know exactly what you’re looking for and may get you in the door somewhere.
Learn more about what your peers are up to and what local companies are hiring. Exploring LinkedIn may also expose you to careers you were unfamiliar with. Perhaps your calling is to be a professional arbitrator, but you’ll have to get familiar with the job first. LinkedIn isn’t just about wishing someone a happy two-year work anniversary with a canned message: Use it for its original purpose. If you see that a friend or colleague has a career you could see yourself in, reach out to them and ask some questions, or set up a meeting.
Think Outside the Box
If you’re having trouble getting interviews or that all-important phone call, it’s time to get creative. If you’d love to be in the graphic design field, but don’t have the years of experience required, learn more about exactly what it’s going to take to get the job. Call or email your dream company in the industry and ask if you can set up an informational interview. Most professionals won’t deny an earnest request to learn more about the demands of the job and the expectations of the employee.
Try networking events. Although job fairs can be helpful, you might get better results with a more casual and fun approach. Consider attending alumni events hosted by your alma mater, or industry events at a bar or restaurant. When professionals are more relaxed, they’ll be more receptive to your pitch. Nothing that fits this description in your area? Host it! Find a space you can rent for a low cost, and use word-of-mouth and social media to attract an audience. Creating a venue for professionals in your network to mingle will benefit everyone.
Embrace the Resources in Your Network Today!
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