It’s easy to recognize a competent administrative assistant, but if a rockstar administrative assistant were to walk through the office doors right now for an interview would you recognize them? Learn the skill sets of a great administrative assistant and how to convince them to work for you.
Good vs. Great Assistants
There are some core competencies all administrative assistants have to have in order to be able to meet their responsibilities. These skill sets include:
- Time management
- Communication
- Office software
- Computer skills
- Organization
These base skills are often easy to teach and can be learned quickly for anyone who wants to hold an assistant position at a company. Rockstar administrative assistants, however, move beyond mere competence and strive to be something much more for the organizations they work with. A rockstar administrative assistant will:
- Enjoy the work they do and always strive to improve
- Become the central communication hub of the business
- Make your office hum like an efficient machine
- Master not only basic office skills but also industry skills
- Have experience beyond office software but also collections, customer service and accounting
- Become the positive face of the organization and have a professional demeanor
- Think outside of the box and make decisions quickly
- Work with other staff members and strive to help everyone accomplish tasks
A rockstar administrative assistant will make you look good and work behind the scenes as they become your right arm and the one person you can’t live without.
Pursuing a Rockstar Assistant
As with all top candidates, a great administrative assistant will need to be “pursued.” This is their vocation and they will want to know that if they come to your company they will be treated with the respect they deserve. They will also want to know that they will be able to grow with your company and learn new skills that will help them advance their career.
Before you interview for an administrative assistant position, take a look at the current responsibilities of the position, the role you want the assistant to play and what growth opportunities are available for that person.
A rockstar administrative assistant will be able to accelerate your department or business to a new level of organization, communication and appearance. If you look for people who see an assistant’s role as a career choice, and not just a stepping stone to bigger or better things, then you will find your rockstar.
If you are looking for a rockstar administrative assistant, then contact us. Our recruiters can help you find the office professional who will become your next right hand individual.