Try These Stress-Relieving Practices at Work

Are you a committed worker struggling to catch a break on the job? Whether you’re overwhelmed with tasks or just in need of a refresh, here are some top tactics you can use to stay calm and stress-free while on the job. 

Stretching and Exercise 

First, get the blood flowing by introducing activity and movement. Your brain will thank you! Stretching or yoga poses can help you feel centered and focused. Aerobic activity can rejuvenate your body and act as a pick-me-up. If you can duck out on your lunch break for a quick workout or run, make it happen! This is particularly important if you have a desk job and remain pretty sedentary throughout the day.  


Whether you have two minutes or twenty, a quick internet search can show you tons of options for guided meditation. We recommend downloading an app if you want resources handy – consider Calm or Headspace. Clearing your mind and setting your intentions can be transformative. 

Make Connections 

Being collegial with your coworkers can make all the difference on the job. When you can connect to your teammates, you’ll succeed in a variety of ways. Venting to a trusted colleague can help you blow off steam, and feeling support from your fellow staff members can help you get through the day. Plus, knowing you can chat with a friend can help you feel ready for the workday each morning when you wake. 

Stay Organized and Take Breaks 

Delegate tasks that don’t belong on your plate. If it’s not your responsibility or can be easily re-assigned, do so without hesitation. Part of being an effective worker is knowing when to share the load. When you can take a break, relax for a moment. Pushing yourself non-stop can lead to frustration, procrastination, and burnout. 

Contact Us Today

For more information on how to de-stress at work, check out Job Store Staffing®. Our website can help you find the resources you need to succeed on the job.  


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