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Attract Better Talent when You Build a Better Brand

Hiring as a quick fix is the wrong attitude. If you want to improve your results, hire for fit and retention instead of bringing in the first person that applies for the position. Here’s how a positive employer brand will help you attract and keep better candidates. 

Why Branding? 

Creating a strong brand for your company is so important for hiring and retaining great staff members. Instead of focusing on daily tasks, think about the mission and vision of your organization. It’s up to managers to direct employees to fulfill these and focus on recruiting to fit that vision. Your company’s reputation is important, and it’s common for qualified job seekers to skip applying for positions with weak or negative branding.   

Achieve Company Goals 

Setting goals and executing a plan to achieve them is necessary for a strong company brand. If you are known in your industry for setting the bar and smashing through expectations, recruits will want to come work for your organization. Your branding goals should appeal to both internal expectations as well as matching up to your company vision. For example, if you tout community-boosting, be sure to document regular local service and volunteer efforts. 

Branding to Attract Candidates 

Work to create a “template” for your ideal applicant. Maybe you want workers to be flexible, or you’re looking for fully-trained staff. Now think about how to obtain that. Some managers advertise they recruit locally, but that may limit you to qualified talent willing to travel. Switching your perspective to the candidate’s side can help you rethink your recruiting methods, including posting parameters and social media methods. 

Call Us Today

If you can’t find the right hires, recruit the hiring experts. Job Store Staffing® can connect you with qualified candidates in your area that will be ready to start promptly. Contact us today if you have openings you need to staff. 




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