In you haven’t done so recently, consider conducting a safety check of your premises. Conducting a check is crucial to find any issues that may lead to injuries and lawsuits in the future.
When conducting your check, be complete and thorough. Look through every part of the building and note anything that seems even a little bit problematic. When it comes to safety, there is truly no detail that is too small.
Here a few specific things to look for and keep in mind when conducting your next search.
- Slip and fall issues. Slip and falls are one of the more common personal injury lawsuits, and they are easily avoided. Check all hallways, stairwells, outdoor paths, and any other walking areas to make sure there are no issues with slippery or uneven surfaces, hidden edges, bunched up carpet, or anything else that could potentially cause people to fall.
- Electrical hazards. Check all electrical outlets, fixtures, and equipment to ensure that there are no problems. Make sure there is no exposed wiring, no short fuses, no outlets with too many appliances plugged in, or other similar issues. Make sure that everything is in proper working order.
- Fire hazards. Check for any potentially flammable objects and ensure they are properly contained and accounted for. Check all fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, sprinklers, fire extinguishers and other equipment to make sure there are enough of everything and that everything is working properly. Check all hallways, stairwells, and exits to make sure they are clear of any blockages. Review all emergency fire and evacuation plans to ensure they are up-to-date and effective.
- Building code issues. Make sure everything in the building is in compliance with the local building codes. This includes making sure there are proper number of exits, that all sinks, lights, toilets and other installed fixtures are up to proper code and standards, that all windows comply with local rules, and that there are proper working handicap accommodations. Also, make sure you have a sufficient number of first aid kits on hand.
For more help and assistance, turn to Job Store Staffing®. We have the expertise and experience to assist you with all of your staffing needs. Be sure to contact us today.