Congratulations, you’ve accepted a new job! It’s a huge, exciting moment. Celebrations are certainly in order.
Once you have gotten over the initial excitement of saying, “Yes!” here a few things to do before starting the new position.
- Talk to your boss. As soon as your plans are finalized, you should make a point to meet with your boss. It may be uncomfortable to tell your boss that you are leaving, but it is an important and professional step. You should discuss with your boss a timeline for your transition and plan to break the news to everyone else in the office. Your boss may not be happy you are leaving, but they will appreciate that you handled the situation with professionalism and courtesy, and will likely do what they can to help you in your next step. How you handle this part of this process will determine if you can use them as a reference in the future.
- Prepare your transition. When you are talking to your boss, be sure to discuss specific plans for how your responsibilities will be transitioned. You should ensure your boss that you will aid in the transition in any way you can and may even suggest a specific plan. Ensuring a smooth transition is the best way to leave your job on good terms.
- Take care of paperwork. From submitting an official letter of resignation to rolling over your retirement plan and other benefits, you will want to make sure everything is in order before you leave and start your new job.
- Communicate with your new employer. Make sure to take care of any paperwork or other related items before your start date such as, tax forms, drug tests, and background checks. Also, be sure to reach out and respond to any future coworkers that have contacted you to welcome you to the team.
- Indulge. Finally, when everything else is in order, it’s time to indulge in some “me time.” You’ll likely have at least a few days off between jobs, and that’s a perfect time to relax and do something you enjoy before you get back on the work grind. Treat yourself to a massage, spend a day at the beach, even take a short trip. You’ll arrive at your new job feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready for then new beginning.
At Job Store Staffing®, we have the expertise and personalized service to help you will all aspects of your job search. If you are looking for jobs in the Denver area, be sure to contact us today.