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Tips for Retaining Your Top Talent

Employee engagement is more than a catchy industry phrase; it is an essential component to your company’s success. You need your team to represent as active participants, not passive procrastinators. A quick reminder of what occurs when you have a disengaged workforce:

  • Low Morale
  • Low Productivity
  • Employee Conflict

Keeping your team members on your staff stems from keeping them engaged each day at work. Managers experiencing turnover or low effort from their staff can boost productivity and retain top talent with these tips from Job Store Staffing®:

Feedback & Appreciation

Workers that don’t feel valued have two options: stay in their roles and lean into laziness or resentment, or they take their skills elsewhere. You may not feel like you are neglecting your staff, but it’s possible you aren’t giving them what they need to truly thrive. It’s not uncommon for seasoned managers to underestimate the amount of praise and feedback employees seek. Talk to your employees like you would chat with a partner to build trust, and ask them how they look for appreciation and inspiration.


Let’s not beat around the bush: the most effective way to retain diligent workers is to pay them more. Throughout industries with lower application restrictions on work experience and education requirements, turnover can be rampant (and toxic! Quitting low wage work is often contagious). If you want to attract better talent, and retain existing workers, increase wages.

Support Their Growth

Instead of worrying about a staff member quitting because they are complacent in their role, take advantage of this and help them succeed. Perhaps they are looking for more of a challenge, and you can interest them in an internal promotion to retain them. You can also sponsor their professional development in other ways – networking, conferences, projects, and more. Once you’ve got your worker engaged, you can develop their potential and take them from a follower to a leader.

Looking to retain your top talent?

To learn more about how you can retain staff, and even hire effectively, check out the resources at Job Store Staffing®. As a top staffing agency in the Colorado area, you can choose qualified candidates from our exclusive job pool and find more ways to keep your employees focused. Visit our website today to learn more.




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