Scheduling one-on-ones with your staff? Make sure you’re capitalizing on this time spent with each worker and don’t leave anything on the table. Here are the five things you might be missing as you schedule weekly meetings with your workers.
1. Sticking to the Schedule
Rescheduling can be a signal to your employee that you can’t make time for them. Respect that your workers have busy schedules too, and their time is valuable. Things come up, but do your best to stick to your commitment and honor your employee by maintaining the original meeting time and coming prepared.
2. Lead With Empathy
Start from an authentic place. If you plan your meeting with the intent to bully or criticize, you will not see a positive outcome. Even if you feel like you’ve got the world’s worst worker on your hands, be understanding and supportive. Try the “compliment sandwich.” Never criticize unless you can give twice as much praise. Give a positive comment, then mention somewhere they can improve, and end on another compliment.
3. Motivate and Inspire
It’s easy to sit back and do the bare minimum. Chances are, you know what it feels like to play it safe as opposed to going above and beyond. Your workers do too. Setting expectations for your staff is imperative to a successful team. If your employee doesn’t know what success looks like in your eyes, how can they achieve it? Encourage workers to innovate on their own, but also provide projects or tasks where they can demonstrate their growth.
4. Respect the Agenda
Every meeting you arrange, you need to come with an agenda. And extra copies. It is so beneficial for a worker to see a list of what you want to discuss. It eases the mind and provides a distinct framework for what to discuss. Include your employee in this process. Ask open-ended questions to collaborate on topics, like asking what they’d like to discuss or what questions they might have about their role.
5. Listen
This sounds like a no-brainer, but so many employers focus on talking about their needs instead of listening to what a staff member has to say. If you truly want to learn from a one-on-one with your employee, you need to listen instead of talking. Ask how the team could be more effective, or what tool or incentive would help the staff be more productive. You may find innovative ideas that are achievable in your workplace, so keep your ears open.
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