Is Your Résumé Recruiter Ready?

Can you send me a copy of your résumé?  Employed or unemployed… if you have received a call/email right out of the blue from a recruiter, you want to explore any/all possible career opportunities. What do you do if your résumé is so old it doesn’t even include your current job (or the one before that)?
You need to create an up to date, compelling and persuasive résumé – one that will help you stand out from the crowd and convince the inquiring recruiter that you are perfect for the job.  Here are three tips to keep in mind:
1. Personalize
A generic approach will not get your noticed.  Therefore, focus on personalizing your résumé around the value that you can bring to the job.  Start off your résumé with a

  • résumé title, using as many specifics as possible that reflect your goal
  • clear objective that clearly states what you want to do, from whom, where and at what level of responsibility.
  • concise summary of your background and why you’re qualified for this particular position.

2. Quantify
Instead of just listing your job skills, describe the benefits and results of your performance. For each job or temporary assignment, develop a list of major accomplishments. What problems or challenges did you face? What actions did you take to meet those challenges? How did your actions benefit the company? Then, quantify, quantify, quantify.  Companies’ value workers who enhance profits and save time and money, and numbers stand out on the résumé.  There are three ways to quantify:

  • Amounts:  Quantify the number of tasks/assignments you have done, the number of people you managed, the length of time you spent at each assignment, etc.
  • Dollars:  Add dollar signs to show how much your employer benefited from your work.  Think in terms of increasing revenue or cutting expenses.
  • Percentages:  Percentages are useful as comparison points – for example, compare your actual performance to stated goals.

3. Proofread/Feedback
This is an important step, but it’s one that many miss. Proofread and have others proofread.  Colleagues, spouses, bosses, and friends may be able to point out important projects or skill sets you may have omitted from your résumé.
Make sure your résumé is error free and free of industry jargon.  Typos and other errors can escape notice if you have read and reread (and reread again) the same document multiple times.
Now be prepared to revisit this résumé over the course of your job hunt to rework for each job, and you will have successfully made your résumé recruiter ready.
Are you currently looking for a new position?  We want to help; we can give you the information you need to stand out from the crowd.  Send your résumé in today.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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